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Innovation, sustainability and competitiveness, the solutions for investing in the future

Business plans of companies always have an ambitious goal: to look towards tomorrow, new challenges, expansion into new geographical markets or improvements in production processes. In recent years, subsidised finance has provided important support to businesses, especially through medium- and long-term financing backed by the Guarantee Fund, solutions that have changed and evolved over time. It is also possible to combine this product with the Nuova Sabatini subsidy, which for both green investments and investments in innovation 4.0 provides a plant account contribution of 3,575%. However, the support of the Fund and the Nuova Sabatini are not the only opportunities to boost your company’s sustainable transition and productivity, Silvia Riva, Lending Sales Excellence Coordinator at Banca Ifis, explains more about this.

I have a sustainable transition plan for my company, how can I finance it?

For Banca Ifis, supporting the sustainable transformation of the Italian economic system and the energy transition of companies, especially SMEs, is central. Thanks to the SACE Green Guarantee, recently activated by the Bank, both SMEs and large companies can implement a sound sustainability strategy. The Guarantee, backing 80% of the loan, aims to support Italian companies that invest in projects to develop their businesses in Italy with the objective of accelerating the transition to an economy with a lower environmental impact, integrating production cycles with low-emission technologies for the production of goods and services, and promoting initiatives that develop mobility with lower polluting emissions.

I need to increase the productivity of my company, what solutions can I apply for?

In order to support the development of productivity and competitiveness of both SMEs and larger companies, Banca Ifis recently signed an agreement with SACE Futuro that provides for a guarantee equal to 70% of the loan amount, issued at market conditions. By means of the SACE Futuro Guarantee, the Bank can support, with medium/long-term financing, the technological innovation and digitalisation projects of enterprises and their globalisation plans, in support of the development of the national production fabric and the Italian system, in line with the NRRP guidelines.

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Are there dedicated solutions for specific business areas or supply chains in the country?

The SACE Futuro Guarantee enables the Bank to support investments in disadvantaged economic areas (southern regions and industrial crisis areas) through medium- to long-term financing, thus boosting the competitiveness and productivity of the country system. With the SACE Futuro Guarantee, the Bank can also support specific investment projects for the development of the country’s main strategic supply chains (agriculture-industry; design, fashion and furnishing; automotive; microelectronics and semiconductors; metal and electromechanics; chemical/pharmaceutical; aerospace and aeronautics; rubber and plastics), in order to strengthen the Made in Italy brand globally.

Advertising message for promotion purposes. For product contractual terms and conditions of the Loans Guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund and Loans backed by the New Sabatini Law, of Loans Guaranteed by SACE Green and SACE Futuro, please consult the key information sheets available in the Transparency section of the website
