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Banca Ifis accounts are accessible only through a private area that protects your data through secure connections. Furthermore, thanks to the certificates adopted by Banca Ifis, you can easily verify the authenticity of our site.

Tips for the security of your devices:

  • Make sure you keep your operating system and your computer and your smartphone apps up to date;
  • Only download official updates, available on manaufacturers’ websites. To install apps on your smartphone, refer only to the official stores;
  • Install appropriate security software (antivirus and personal firewall, etc.) and remember to keep them up to date;
  • Be wary of any e-mail inviting you to download or run programs when you do not know the source.

Tips for accessing Banca Ifis services:

  • Carefully store your personal data. This is the only data that allows us to recognise you. Remember that Bank Ifis operators will never ask you to disclose your login credentials;
  • Change the password regularly;
  • Verify the authenticity of the connection with Banca Ifis, by checking the site name in the navigation bar and via the existence of the certificate in the private areaa (the padlock icon in the navigation bar and reference to Banca Ifis S.p.A.);
  • Enter the bank address directly in the navigation bar. Do not click on links in suspicious e-mails: they may lead you to a fake site;
  • Always activate the alert notification feature for expenses and transactions, even for minimum amounts;
  • Be wary of any request to enter or urgently communicate all your personal codes or other personal information;
  • If possible, do not store your passwords on the browser and remember to update them often.

Rendimax Conto Deposito and Rendimax Conto Corrente Private Area

To ensure maximum security of Rendimax customers’ data and transactions, the Private Area of the site adopts an SSL certificate which guarantees the authenticity of the site and the confidentiality of the information in transit between the Banca Ifis server and your  web browser. The closed padlock in the address bar of your browser provides further information on the security of the site.

Security for your transactions

Since 22 May 2017, Banca Ifis has introduced a new Strong Authentication system that involves the use of a Customer Code, a password and a temporary code (OTP – One Time Password).

In addition, a self-identification procedure has been included via Video Selfie, which is a recording of a short video to be sent through one’s own device. In the video, you will need to show your face and an identification document to certify your identity, as required by anti-money laundering regulations.

This process ensures that online transactions are only performed by the account owner and that personal information, as well as the account itself, are protected from unauthorised access.

You can choose how to generate the OTP from the following alternatives:

  • Secure Call: to use this mode, you must be contacted from the mobile phone number recorded in your personal profile and enter the OTP code that appears on the screen from the keypad of your mobile phone following the instructions that appear on the screen;
  • Smart OTP: to use this mode, you must download the Rendimax app. Within the app, a numeric PIN can be created to be used in support of the biometric recognition mechanism (on compatible smartphones) during each authorisation. The Smart OTP is closely linked to the device used, and if the smartphone is changed, the installation process will have to be repeated on the new device.

You can change the mode to generate the OTP by accessing the Utility section in the Private Area. You will be asked for the OTP code to:

  • Access to the Private Area (login);
  • Authorise transaction instructions (for example, activation of a time deposit, a bank transfer instruction and requests in the Utility section).

Tools to access the Private Area:

  • Customer Code: this is the code that was sent to you via e-mail on opening the account (when Customer Service received the signed contract and the first bank transfer);
  • Password: this is the code that was sent to you by text message when the account was opened (when Customer Service received the signed contract and the first bank transfer) and which you changed on first access;
  • OTP: this is a temporary ‘disposable’ code called One Time Password that you must generate via Secure Call or OTP Software.


Docking of the default account via PSD2:

Banca Ifis has conformed to the new European regulations on the security of electronic payments introduced by the PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2).

To ensure the security of online payments, the bank requires strong customer authentication, i.e., the verification of at least two different authentication factors to ascertain the identity of the user or the validity of the use of the payment instrument.

The legislation introduces several changes in the payment services sector, such as:

  • increased security standards for online transactions,
  • reduction of reimbursement times in the case of unauthorised transactions and of the time taken to handle complaints,
  • reduction of deductibles in the case of unauthorised transactions.


What to do if the codes are stolen

Block access to the Private Area:

  • Immediately block access to the Private Area by calling Customer Service
  • Within 48 hours of blocking access to the Private Area, report the theft to the Judicial Authority or Police
  • Notify Customer Service promptly and, in any case, within two operating days, requesting the issue of new credentials at the same time
  • Send a copy of the police theft report to Customer Service by registered letter with return receipt.

Unblocking access to the Private Area

Request reactivation of access to the Private Area by calling Customer Service.


What to do if you lose the codes

Customer code
From the login page click on “Non ricordi il Codice Cliente?” and follow the wizard to receive your customer code by e-mail. Alternatively, send an e-mail from your default e-mail address to the Customer Service e-mail address, requesting the code to be sent. We will send you an e-mail with your code as soon as possible.


You have several ways to reset your password:

  • If you have entered an incorrect password three times and your Account is locked, click on ‘Your Account is locked, request unlocking’ and follow the procedure. You will receive a temporary password via sms that you will have to change the first time you log in.
  • You can contact Rendimax Customer Service or send an e-mail from your registered e-mail address.


Tips for the security of your devices:

  • Make sure you keep your operating system and your computer and smartphone apps up to date;
  • Only download official updates, available on manufacturers’ websites. To install apps on your smartphone, refer only to the official stores;
  • Install appropriate security software (antivirus and personal firewall, etc.) and remember to keep them up to date;
  • Be wary of any e-mail inviting you to download or run programs when you do not know the source;
  • Carefully store your personal data. This is the only data that allows us to recognise you. Remember that Bank Ifis operators will never ask you to disclose your login credentials;
  • Change the password regularly;
  • Verify the authenticity of the connection with Banca Ifis by checking the site name in the navigation bar and via the presence of the certificate in the private area (the padlock icon in the navigation bar and reference to Banca Ifis SpA);
  • Enter the bank address directly in the navigation bar. Do not click on links in suspicious e-mails: they may lead you to a fake site;
  • Always activate alert notifications for purchases and transactions, even for small amounts;
  • Be wary of any request to enter or urgently communicate any of your personal codes or other personal information;
  • If possible, do not store your passwords in the browser and remember to update them often.

We remind you that you should be the only person with access to and use of the mobile number and e-mail address you provided us when you opened the account. If you think that such sole use has been compromised, contact Customer Service.



Secure e-commerce payments

As of 1 January 2021, internet payments via payment cards are more secure thanks to the 3D Secure protocol, which has been adopted at a European level for e-commerce transactions for the purpose of the strong authentication required by the PSD2 Directive (EU 2015/2366).

Your Rendimax debit card is fully compliant with the new security protocol.

To activate the Secure Code with your Mastercard Debit card, issued by the Bank in collaboration with Nexi Payment S.P.A., you will need to activate, again from the Nexi Pay App or the Nexiit website, the “Secure Code” called KEY6, i.e. a code of at least 6 characters of your choice that you will need to make on-line payments in complete security. Should you require further clarification, please contact Nexi support on 02 345 444 from Italy or +39 02 34980 020 from abroad. The PSD2 Directive provides that certain types of transactions may be exempted from strong two-level authentication*. These are transactions involving a small amount or with low risk factors. For instance:

  • Remote electronic transactions whose amount does not exceed 30 Euro and which, when cumulated over time, do not exceed 100 Euro in total or a series of 5 exempt transactions;
  • Recurring fixed-amount transactions;
  • Transactions carried out on merchants declared trustworthy by the cardholder.

Blocking a debit card

To block your Mastercard Debit® debit card issued by the Bank in collaboration with Nexi Payment S.p.A., call the toll-free number 800 15 16 16 (from abroad +39 02 34 98 00 20, from the USA +1 800 473 68 96). File a report within 48 hours with the legal or police authorities and inform Nexi Customer Service on +39 02 345 444 from Italy (or +39 02 34980 020 from abroad).

Unblocking a debit card

To unblock your Mastercard Debit® card, contact Nexi support on 02 345 444 from Italy or +39 02 34980 020 from abroad.

PIN recovery

If you wish to retrieve the PIN of your Mastercard Debit® debit card, issued in partnership with Nexi Payments S.p.A., you can do so via the Nexi Pay App. For more information, please contact Nexi support on 02 345 444 from Italy or +39 02 34980 020 from abroad.

For your debit card security

  • Immediately sign in the appropriate area (opaque strip) on the back of the debit card;
  • Follow the other provisions specified in the contractual rules;
  • Look after your debit card with the utmost care;
  • Keep your card in a shielded case to protect it from potential attackers;
  • Do not keep the PIN number with the debit card, do not store it on analogue or digital media and do not communicate it to anyone. In any event, the PIN must never be kept with the card;
  • Take all necessary measures to prevent anyone from seeing the PIN you have entered: never enter your PIN in the presence of strangers, and especially not at their prompting;
  • If you have activated the SMS service, read the messages received on your mobile phone in good time: you will receive free information about the transactions carried out on your account within the limits and under the conditions set out in the Information Sheet;
  • Enter your PIN only after checking the amount of your payment;
  • Keep the payment receipts for a check on the account statement and to be able to quickly detect any unauthorised spending. In the event of ‘suspicious’ transactions, contact Customer Services as soon as possible;
  • Be wary of strangers willing to help with transactions, especially at ATMs (automatic teller machines for withdrawals);
  • Check your account statement frequently in your Private Area. If you detect any withdrawals or charges not made, contact Customer Services;
  • Keep the debit card away from magnetic sources (e.g. magnets) or excessive heat sources to avoid demagnetisation;
  • Remember that the ATM is programmed, for security purposes, to hold the card in the event of misuse: for example, if you mistype your PIN three times, the card will be held in the safe;
  • Remember that you can independently modify the limits associated with your Mastercard® Debit card issued by the Bank in partnership with Nexi Payment S.p.A from the Nexi Pay App.
  • Always carry with you the telephone number to block your debit card, With Mastercard® Debit cards issued in cooperation with Nexi Payment S.p.A., contact the toll-free number 800 15 16 16 from Italy, from abroad +39 02 34 98 00 20, from the USA +1 800 473 68 96.

Rendimax Deposit Account Customer Service

Toll-free number: 800 522 122 from Italy (+39 041 5027 646 from abroad)



Nexi Customer Service 02 345 444 from Italy (+39 02 34980 020 from abroad)

*See Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/389 of 27 November 2017.


Ifis Impresa Conto Corrente Private Area

To ensure maximum security of Rendimax Conto Deposito data and transactions, the Private Area of the site adopts an SSL certificate which guarantees the authenticity of the site and the confidentiality of the information in transit between the Banca Ifis server and your web browser.
The closed padlock in the address bar of your browser provides further information on the security of the site

Security for your transactions.

The Private Area of the site adopts a strong customer authentication mechanism (SCA – Strong Customer Authentication) to access your account on-line, to make an electronic payment transaction and in any other action, through a remote channel, which may involve a risk of payment fraud or other abuse.
The Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is based on verification of at least two different factors, independent of each other, to verify the identity of a user. Factors can belong to the following categories

  • Knowledge: something that only the user knows (e.g. password);
  • Possession: something that only the user owns (e.g. smartphone);
  • Personal: something that characterises the user (e.g. fingerprint).

To access the Private Area and to authorise transactions, you will always need the following access data on hand:

  • Customer code: this is the code that was sent to you via e-mail on opening the account;
  • Password: this is the code requested on first time access to the current account and received by sms;
  • OTP Codes (One Time Password): these are temporary unique codes that are generated through Secure Call, necessary to access or authorise transaction instructions (e.g. SEPA On-line Transfers, MAV and RIBA).

Furthermore, Dynamic Linking is an additional safety feature introduced by recent sector regulations to protect payment transactions on-line. The OTP code is generated uniquely based on the transaction data (e.g. Amount, Execution Date and IBAN, etc.). This OTP, called transactional OTP, will allow you to authorise only that one particular transaction.

Private Area Access.

To access the private area of Ifis Impresa Conto Corrente, you will need to enter the Customer Code and access password.
Next, you will need to authenticate using
Secure Call. To do this, simply call the toll-free number shown on the screen, using the registered mobile phone and, when prompted by the voice guide, enter the OTP code that appears on the screen.

Authorising transactions.

To authorise transactions, changes to personal data, applications for increasing ceilings or general requests for help, you will have to call the toll-free number shown on the screen using the registered mobile phone and, when prompted by the voice guide, enter the first code OTP shown. Then, the voice guide will ask you to enter the second OTP code shown on the screen. After entering it, the transaction will be executed.
Authorisation of all transaction instructions will be possible only by entering a unique transactional OTP code valid only for one-time use and specific to the transaction in question


What to do if the codes are stolen

Block access to the Private Area:

  • Immediately block access to the Private Area by calling Customer Service;
  • Within 48 hours of blocking access to the Private Area, report the theft to the Judicial Authority or Police;
  • Notify Customer Service promptly, and in any case within two operating days; 
  • Send a copy of the police theft report to Customer Service by registered letter with return receipt.

Unblocking access to the Private Area:

  • Request reactivation of access to the Private Area by calling Customer Service.


What to do if the codes are lost

Customer code:

  • Send an e-mail from the e-mail address linked to the account to the Customer Service e-mail requesting sending of the code. As soon as possible, we will send you an e-mail with your code.


  • Call Customer Service requesting the code to be sent to you.

Security tips:

  • Make sure you keep your operating system and your computer and your smartphone apps up to date;
  • Only download official updates, available on manufacturers’ websites;
  • To install apps on your smartphone, refer only to the official stores;
  • Install appropriate security software (antivirus and personal firewall, etc.) and remember to keep them up to date;
  • Be wary of any e-mail inviting you to download or run programs when you do not know the source;
  • Carefully store your personal data. This is the only data that allows us to recognise you. Remember that Bank Ifis operators will never ask you to disclose your login credentials;
  • Change the password regularly;
  • Verify the authenticity of the connection with Banca Ifis, by checking the site name in the navigation bar and via the existence of the certificate in the private area (the padlock icon in the navigation bar and reference to Bank Ifis S.p.A.);
  • Enter the bank address directly in the navigation bar. Do not click on any link in suspicious e-mails as they may lead you to a fake site;
  • Always activate the alert function for notification on expenses and transactions, even for minimum amounts;
  • Be wary of any request to enter or urgently communicate all your personal codes or other personal information;
  • If possible, do not store your password on the browser and remember to update them often;
  • Carefully check the data in the payment instructions during the authorisation step of the transaction itself and in the transactions list;
  • Comply with contractual terms and conditions;
  • If you have any doubt or suspect something is not right, contact Customer Service; 
  • We remind you that the cell phone number and  e-mail account you indicated on opening the account must only be used by you personally: if you believe that this exclusive use has been compromised, immediately contact Customer Service.

We remind you that the cell phone number and e-mail account you provided on opening of the account must only be used by you personally: if you believe that this exclusive use has been compromised, immediately contact Customer Service.


Ifis Impresa Conto Corrente Customer Service

Toll-free number: 800 522 122 from Italy ((+39) 041 5027 646 from abroad)