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Sviluppo Sostenibile del Veneto - Banca Ifis

Sustainable development of Veneto

We are the first bank to have joined the Memorandum of Understanding for the Sustainable Development of Veneto.

The Memorandum of Understanding for the Sustainable Development of Veneto, which runs for 3 years and can potentially be extended beyond this, is an expression of the regional commitment to achieving the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.

The Region considers information, communication, education and training for sustainability (also with the involvement of the school system) to be the tools to guarantee the most active contribution for sustainable development.

The aim of the initiative is to define a regional sustainable development strategy and monitor its performance on the basis of new needs, identifying strengths and weaknesses along the route towards complete social, economic, environmental and institutional sustainability.

This is in order to improve the quality of life of future generations.

Sustainable development is about environmental values, the definition of more inclusive models of education and culture, and the creation of a different welfare system.

The complete list of members, constantly updated, is published on the website of the “Veneto sostenibile” initiative at the following link: