Banca Ifis Logo

Our commitment to tackle climate change

We work to reduce our direct and indirect emissions and to sensitize our customers and our people to the issue of climate change.

Membership of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance is part of the long-term ESG strategy that the Bank is implementing in the belief that sustainability, in all its forms, and business development must be fully integrated and complementary.


Our goal: a net zero emission portfolio by 2050

Banca Ifis was the first Italian challenger bank to join the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), the United Nations initiative to accelerate the sustainable transition of the international banking sector.

Participating banks undertake to align their loan and investment portfolios in order to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, by setting interim targets on priority sectors (those with high emissions) by 2030.

For this reason, we have identified three sectors linked to the automotive world, which make it possible to cover more than 80% of the financed exposures and emissions – considered by the NZBA – and we have communicated precise targets for 2030.

Our commitment is also implemented through the Change PMI (SME) project, to support the energy transition of our client companies through dedicated products and services.

Prize The most climate-conscious companies in 2022 Prize The most climate-conscious companies in 2022

The most climate-conscious companies in 2022

Also by joining the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, we have been recognized by the research company “Statista”, in collaboration with Corriere della Sera, as one of the top twenty companies most attentive to the climate in Italy in 2022. An achievement we are very proud of.

Our work: offset our direct impacts

We are personally committed to creating and spreading a culture of environmental protection, promoting responsible behavior among our people and efficient use of resources.

Our offices have been refurbished to the highest eco-friendly standards and, since 2020, we have been using green energy only, coming from 100% renewable sources. We have adopted eco-sustainable solutions to reduce the use of plastic, such as the installation of 50 water columns to supply water directly from the network. We have renewed our entire corporate fleet to adopt increasingly more ecological vehicles, also installing new electric charging points.

We are committed to being green in the organization of our most important events: by collecting data on emissions produced and offsetting them with reforestation activities, each event has zero impact.

An efficient, eco-sustainable website

In August 2022, we were the first bank in Italy to obtain the Karma Metrix Energy Efficient Website seal, a measurement tool that certifies the level of eco-sustainability of website pages.

Support for reforestation

Our commitment to the environment is consolidated by support for two important reforestation initiatives: WOWnature and Forestami, projects by which we have planted over 2,200 trees throughout Italy.