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Corporate Bodies

The clear definition of the responsibilities and continuous exchange between corporate bodies – inspired by the traditional governance model principles that we follow – are functional to the Group’s harmonious, tidy growth.

In our governance model:

  • Strategic supervision is performed by the Board of Directors;
  • Consistent with the Corporate Governance Code, the proposal, investigation and consultation functions are the responsibility of the three committees set up in the Board of Directors (Control and Risks, Appointments, Remuneration);
  • Management functions are entrusted to the Chief Executive Officer. The Co-General Managers participate in management;
  • Control is performed by the Board of Statutory Auditors.


The Presidency is made up of Chairman, Vice Chair and Honorary Chairman. The roles and responsibilities are established by law, the Articles of Association and the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

The Board is vested with all the powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration, only excluding what the law strictly reserves for the Shareholders’ Meeting.

Board of Statutory Auditors

The Board of Statutory Auditors is assigned the duty to control and ascertain suitable coordination of all functions and units involved in the internal control system, promoting, if needed, suitable corrective actions.

Supervisory Body

This Body is called on to perform the functions of an internal body attributed autonomous powers of initiative and control as set out by Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001.

Risk Management and Internal Control Committee

A Board committee with investigation functions of a propositional and consultative nature; especially in processes related to the internal control and risk management system and concerning periodical financial reporting.

Appointments Committee

A Board committee with investigation functions of a propositional and consultative nature; especially in processes to appoint or co-opt directors, when assessing the best qualitative-quantitative composition of the Board and in the Board’s self-assessment.

Remuneration Committee

A Board committee with investigation functions of a propositional and consultative nature; especially when defining Group remuneration and incentive policies.