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Banca IFIS announces a bond Tender Offer

Venice (Mestre), 3 December 2018 – Banca IFIS (rating Fitch BB+, Outlook stable) announces the launch of a partial tender offer, denominated Public Tender Offer, addressed to the holders of the 2 per cent. Senior Preferred Unsecured Notes, due 24 April 2023 (ISIN Code XS1810960390) issued in April 2018 in… Read More

Banca IFIS’s acquisition of FBS has been approved

Milan, 22 November 2018 – Banca IFIS announces that the Bank of Italy has approved the acquisition of a control stake in FBS S.p.A., a company specialising in servicing activities (master and special services) within the NPL sector, and acting as a secured and unsecured NPL portfolio manager, due diligence… Read More

Banca IFIS updates the EMTN programme for issues of up to 5 billion Euro

London, 26 September 2018 – Banca IFIS announced that today it signed the update of the non-convertible bond issuance programme denominated “EMTN Programme – Euro Medium Term Notes” (The “Programme”) established in July 2017. The update of the “Programme” will allow Banca IFIS to continue taking prompt and flexible advantage… Read More

IFIS NPL, finalized three new deals in September for € 1.26 billion.

Mestre (Venice, Italy), 21 September 2018 – In September, IFIS NPL acquired from UniCredit, Deutsche Bank Group and one of the leading Italian consumer credit companies three portfolios of distressed loans for a total of € 1.26 billion (nominal value) corresponding to more than 70,700 positions. All of them are… Read More