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La Ripartenza 24

Cariplo Foundation, Milan – The sixth edition of La Ripartenza24, as per the event’s DNA, conceived amidst the lockdown, will address the issues of the Italian economy, ranging from luxury to tourism and from manufacturing to infrastructure. This edition will feature a special focus on justice issues, with the participation… Read More

Assimanager national convention

PWC Tower, Milan – The Italian Sport Business Manager Association aims to promote, develop and enhance the skills of Italian sport managers. Banca Ifis will be a sponsor during their annual convention and, on this occasion, the Observatory on the Sport System in Italy will be presented. Reserved event… Read More

Ciak d’Oro award for Cinema and TV Series

Galleria del Cardinale, Rome – Ciak d’Oro is the annual award presented to the stars of Italian cinema. It is the only prize awarded directly by the public, through a popular vote. Banca Ifis sponsors the event. Reserved event… Read More

Simply Fintech

Step FuturAbility District, Milan – Simply Fintech “Future Scenarios in Fintech for Banks” is the event organised by Banca Ifis in collaboration with the Arcelli Center for Monetary and Financial Studies (CASMEF) and Luiss, to discuss fintech challenges and opportunities in the banking and financial system. Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, Chairman… Read More

Scholarships for promising young athletes

CONI headquarters, Rome – At the CONI headquarters, the ceremony will be held, awarding scholarships to promising young athletes. Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, Chairman of Banca Ifis, together with Giovanni Malagò, Chairman of CONI, will present the initiative. The Chairman Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio will also talk about the Bank’s commitment to… Read More

“Fuoriclasse della Scuola” award ceremony

Unione Industriali headquarters, Turin – “I fuoriclasse della scuola” (“School champions”) is an initiative of the Foundation for Financial Education and Savings, Savings Museum, ABI and Confindustria in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. The aim of the project is to raise funds to provide scholarships to secondary school students… Read More

VIMM Annual Ceremony

Padua – The Foundation for Advanced Biomedical Research promotes a celebratory event under the patronage of the University of Padua, dedicated to the activities and scientific research conducted at Vimm – Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine. This is followed by an award ceremony for the Foundation’s supporters and supporters, including… Read More

Legal Congress

Treviso – Legal Congress, organized by the Treviso Bar Association and the Fondazione dell’Avvocatura Trevigiana, entitled “The role of the lawyer between the present and the future.” Banca Ifis is a sponsor of the event. Read More

Intergroup Meeting “Italian Fashion”

Senate of the Republic, Rome – 3rd meeting of the “Italian Fashion” Intergroup. Presentation by Banca Ifis of the research “Economy of Beauty – The wise hands that enrich Made in Italy” in which Vice President Simona Arduini and Carmelo Carbotti will speak, as well as Fabiana Giacomotti, Toni Scervino… Read More

How the Bike Economy Runs, Strategies and Pathways for the Future

Palazzo ai Giureconsulti – Milan, an event organized by the Milan Chamber of Commerce, aimed at businesses, start-ups, industry experts and associations, to take stock, a year away from the first event with which the experimental project to support the Bike Economy supply chain was launched, of what has been… Read More