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Borse di Studio per le Giovani Promesse dello Sport

CONI Headquarters, Rome – The Scholarship Award Ceremony for Promising Young Sportspeople will be held from 11:30 a.m. at the CONI headquarters. Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio, Chairman of Banca Ifis, together with Giovanni Malagò, Chairman of CONI, will introduce the event. Next, Rosalba Benedetto, Group Communication, Marketing and External Relations Director,… Read More

Innovation Days

Unindustria headquarters, Rome – Lazio Stage. “Innovation Days” is a road show organised by “Il Sole 24 Ore”, which depicts the story of the Italian economy through its excellent regional products and services. The fourth edition is divided into 8 stages, visiting different Italian regions and focusing on the themes… Read More

Innovation Days

Hotel Villa Romanazzi Carducci, Bari – stage in Puglia. “Innovation Days” is a road show organised by “Il Sole 24 Ore”, which depicts the story of the Italian economy through its excellent regional products and services. The fourth edition is divided into 8 stages, visiting different Italian regions and focusing… Read More

Bancor Award for the Economy

Palazzo Doria Pamphilij, Rome – Banca Ifis is sponsor of the first Italian edition of the Bancor Award, established by the Guido Carli Association for Economic and Political Culture. The aim of the award is to honour each year a personality of global significance who has distinguished himself or herself… Read More

The best products of the North East. The most dynamic enterprises

The Ordini dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili (Certified Public Accountants and Bookkeepers Associations) of Belluno, Trento, Treviso and Venice, are organising the webinar “The best products of the North East. The most dynamic enterprises” together with the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University. The event will be in… Read More

Innovation Days

Unione Industriali Napoli, Naples – stage in Campania. “Innovation Days” is a road show organised by “Il Sole 24 Ore”, which depicts the story of the Italian economy through its excellent regional products and services. The fourth edition is divided into 8 stages, visiting different Italian regions and focusing on… Read More

Credit News Virtual Summit

CreditNews is organising the third edition of the Credit News Virtual Summit – NPL World, three days of events in November, with a focus on and in-depth analysis of the most topical issues in the field of secured and unsecured credit management. Marco Agosto, Head of Marketing & Business Strategy,… Read More

22nd Acri – Pri.Banks conference

The Acri – Pri.Banks annual conference is a traditional event when the representatives of its member banks meet to exchange views and discuss matters. This year’s edition focuses on two pressing topics for financial intermediation: sustainability and technological evolution. Frederik Geertman, CEO of Banca Ifis, will give a talk during… Read More

Small Giants

Masseria Traetta, Ostuni – A trip organised by Forbes Italia to explore Italian SMEs, the cornerstone of the country’s entrepreneurial and economic structure. The event takes the form of a roadshow, visiting different cities and meeting the local players. These are entrepreneurs and companies that manage to combine tradition and… Read More