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Small Giants

Tuesday 18th April, Treviso – The project organised by BFC Media aims to give voice and visibility to Italian SMEs that drive the country’s economy, through its monthly magazine, a TV programme and an itinerant event throughout Italy. The event is a roadshow that will be held in various cities,… Read More

FCI Committee

Thursday 13th and Friday 14th April, Directorate General, Mestre – FCI is the global representative body for the factoring and financing of national and international trade receivables. Daniela Bonzanini, Head of International at Banca Ifis, is its Chairman, and is accompanying the Executive Committee to Venice for this meeting. The… Read More

Business Game for Data

Thursday 13th April, University of Padua – The employer branding and recruiting events at Italian universities are starting up again, and our Talent Acquisition & Development team will be involved. The second appointment in April will be at the University of Padua, with the “Business Game for Data” event. Read More

Professional Development Seminars: “Banca Ifis meets Students”

Thursday 13th April, University of Catania, Sicily – The University of Catania, in cooperation with Banca Ifis, is organising a series of professional meetings, during which the bank will tell students about the latest developments in the world of Credit. Marco Agosto, Marketing & Business Strategy Manager, will be speaking… Read More

Anna Maria Mammoliti Minerva Prize

Thursday 13th April – Campidoglio, Rome – Now in its 32nd edition, the Minerva Prize is awarded to women working in different fields of knowledge who also serve as female role models, both for their professional skills and for the positive values they uphold. Banca Ifis is a sponsor of… Read More

Bocconi & Jobs

Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th April, Bocconi University – The employer branding and recruiting events at Italian universities are starting up again, and our Talent Acquisition & Development team will be involved. The first event in April will be at Bocconi University, under the title “Bocconi & Jobs”.  … Read More

Legality and Profit Award

Wednesday 5th April 2023, Piazza della Minerva, Rome – Legality and Profit Award. The Economy Group’s “Legality and Profit Award” is form of recognition for companies that combine honesty with success. They are chosen on the basis of public data and objective criteria, and are important players in the market… Read More

“Banca Ifis meets the students” work seminars

The University of Catania, in cooperation with Banca Ifis, is organising a series of professional meetings, during which the bank will tell students about the latest developments in the world of Credit. These two meetings will focus on incentives such as an industrial policy to support enterprises and Andrea Dominici,… Read More

Run Rome The Marathon

Run Rome The Marathon, acknowledged globally, runs along a single route: starting from and returning to Fori Imperiali, going through Castel Sant’Angelo, Piazza di Spagna and Piazza del Popolo. There are three options: the 42 km classic marathon, the team relay and the 5 km one. Banca Ifis is the… Read More

“Banca Ifis meets the students” work seminars

The University of Catania, in cooperation with Banca Ifis, is organising a series of professional meetings, during which the bank will tell students about the latest developments in the world of Credit. These meetings will be focussed on the digital transformation and the value of specialisation in the credit offer,… Read More