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Our medium-long term loans for the growth of your company

Flexible and complete tools for every type of need.

Learn more about the Loan Guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund

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Our solutions for loans

We offer you comprehensive solutions that consider the needs of your company

Loan Guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund

To have resources available for your investment projects or liquidity needs.

Even with Nuova Sabatini facilitation

Loan backed by the SACE Green Guarantee

To support your company’s sustainable transition

Loan backed by the SACE Future Guarantee

To support globalisation, digitalisation, the development of strategic supply chains, the creation of infrastructure, southern Italy and female entrepreneurship

The Loan Guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund

You can apply for it both through traditional channels and online: it’s easy to do and we’re always here to help. It only takes a few clicks. We at Banca Ifis support the financial needs of your company for working capital, to sustain your production investments and growth projects. Thanks to the Guarantee Fund, we can offer different solutions that can be adapted to the needs of each sector and type of company


Small and medium-sized enterprises based in Italy

Stock companies invoicing minimum €500,000

Partnerships invoicing minimum €1,500,000

All sectors apart from those not permitted by the Guarantee Fund (e.g. financial and insurance services, public administrations)

The Loan Guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund

You can apply for this loan easily and manage it online in complete autonomy. It just takes a click. We at Banca Ifis support the financial needs of your company resulting from the need for working capital, we sustain your production investments and growth projects. Thanks to the Guarantee Fund, we can offer different solutions that can be adapted to the needs of each sector and type of company


Our loans are now easier to apply for than ever before thanks to new simplified procedures and the development of a digital platform for the application and processing of loans

The intervention of the Guarantee Fund, applicable to any type of loan related to business activity, provides for the issuance of a public guarantee: 50% of the loan amount for liquidity needs; 80% to support investment projects. For companies with headquarters and/or local units in regions where so-called Special Sections are operational, the liquidity coverage also increases to 80%.
For a maximum amount of 5 million Euro per single company

Financing solutions for companies assisted by the Guarantee Fund

Loans for investment projects

We will assist you in your investments, development of new products and extension of your customer portfolio to help you grow your business. Acquiring plants or machinery, developing trademarks and obtaining patents are just some of the things that this solution encompasses. With a minimum amount of 50 thousand euros, the loan has a duration of up to 8 years and includes a grace period of up to 24 months

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Investments backed by the New Sabatini Law

The Ministry for Enterprise and Made in Italy pays a non-repayable grant directly to your company to be combined with the Guaranteed Loan from the Guarantee Fund or other bank loan. The Nuova Sabatini aims to facilitate access to credit for SMEs and increase the competitiveness of the country’s production system. It is dedicated to investments in new and functional capital goods for the production cycle, whether ordinary (e.g. machinery, new factory plants for productive use and hardware, as well as software and digital technologies), 4.0 (e.g. computerised, interconnected and intangible capital goods with high innovative content such as software, systems, platforms and applications) or green (e.g. new factory plants and equipment for productive use, with low environmental impact, as part of programmes aimed at improving the eco-sustainability of products and production processes).

The annual interest rate used to calculate the contribution is: 2.75% for ordinary investments and 3.575% for 4.0 investments and green investments.

The minimum amount of the loan is 50 thousand euros and the maximum limit is 4 million euros per company, and the loan has a duration of up to 60 months from the date of stipulation, including a grace period, where applicable, of up to 12 months

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Loans for liquidity needs

We support your company’s financial needs arising from working capital requirements. We provide you with liquidity to buy stocks and materials, pay employees and rebalance your company’s financial sources. With a minimum amount of 50 thousand euros, the loan has a duration of up to 6 years and a grace period can be arranged

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Advertisement for promotional purposes. For the contractual and economic conditions of the Loans Guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund and Loans backed by the New Sabatini Law, please refer to the information sheets available in the branches and in the Transparency section of the website

Loan backed by the SACE Green Guarantee

We support companies that want to embark on or speed up their own path of sustainable energy and environmental transition. SACE Green-assisted medium- to long-term loans aim to support investments to reduce your company’s emissions

Who it is for

Joint-stock companies based in Italy with a turnover not exceeding 500 million Euro

To support

Environmentally-friendly investments and projects such as renewable energy production, energy efficiency and circular economy projects

Implementation of processes for monitoring pollution levels, preventing the risk of natural disasters, and developing mobility with fewer polluting emissions

Loan backed by the SACE Green Guarantee

With SACE Green-backed loans you can invest in your company’s sustainable transition, energy efficiency, renewable energy production and circular economy. To build a greener future and improve competitiveness


At the same time as submitting the Loan Application, the Environmental Objectives Self-Certification also needs to be signed, giving the description of the investment projects and the Environmental Objectives pursued, defined by the European Taxonomy

The SACE Green Guarantee covers 80% of the financing amount.
The amount of the loan can be between 50 thousand Euro and 50 million Euro, with a term of between two years and 96 months and a maximum grace period of 36 months.

Investment projects may relate to costs or expenses to be incurred or expenses incurred as from 1 January 2020, within the limits of the residual amortised value and provided that additional operating, maintenance or realisation costs or expenses are expected.

Advertising message for promotional purposes. For the contractual conditions of Loan backed by the SACE Green guarantee, refer to the information sheet available at our branches and in the Transparency section of the website

Loans backed by the SACE Future Guarantee

We stand by your company in globalisation, technological and digital innovation projects, and with SACE Futuro Guarantee-assisted financing we also support southern Italian companies, the development of strategic supply chains, and female entrepreneurship, giving a boost to the country’s competitiveness and economic productivity

For capital companies

based in Italy, with no turnover limit

for plans to globalise their business

to implement technological innovation and digitisation processes

for investment projects in southern Italy or related to female entrepreneurship or the development of strategic supply chains

Loan backed by the SACE Future Guarantee

We plan our tomorrow today, with financing backed by the SACE Futuro Guarantee we assist companies launching on global markets, in their digitalisation path, in the development of strategic supply chains, and we dedicate resources to southern Italian companies and the development of female entrepreneurship


At the same time as submitting the Loan Application, the Self-certification of Strategic Significance also needs to be signed, giving the description of the type of operation covered by the investment

The SACE Future Guarantee covers 70% of the financing amount.
The amount of the loan can be between 50 thousand Euro and 50 million Euro, with a term of between two years and 96 months and a maximum grace period of 36 months

Investment projects may relate to costs or expenses to be incurred in relation to operations eligible under the SACE Futuro Guarantee

The loan may also support working capital requirements aimed at
  • the preparation of supplies of goods and/or services for foreign counterparties or to be incorporated in production destined for foreign countries
  • the preparation of supplies of goods and/or services for the construction, expansion or maintenance of infrastructure
  • the payment of debts owed by the Grantee to its suppliers, for the supply of goods and/or services, related to foreign job orders or to the realisation of eligible investments
In addition, the company may apply for the loan to restore liquidity against expenses already incurred for working capital requirements, if the company has prepared a plan with a duration of no more than 3 years for the realisation of investments and expenses falling within the categories of operations eligible for the SACE Futuro Guarantee.

Advertising message for promotional purposes. For the contractual conditions of Loans backed by the SACE Futuro guarantee, refer to the information sheet available at our branches and in the Transparency section of the website


The Loan Facilitated by Regional Agreements

We offer your company direct help daily on a local level. We at Banca Ifis provide loans supported by national guarantees with loans facilitated by regional initiatives. Puglia Sviluppo and Veneto Sviluppo subsidised loans are available for companies based in Puglia and Veneto. Please enquire in your branch for further information

Contact us

Advertisement for promotional purposes. For the contractual and economic conditions of the Mortgages Guaranteed by Puglia Sviluppo and Fondo Veneto Sviluppo, please refer to the information sheets available in the branches and in the Transparency section of the website

Other ways we can support you?



Through a single digital portal, you monitor your financing, outstanding capital and instalments.

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Advertising message for promotional purposes. For the contractual conditions of myIfis, please refer to the information sheet available at our branches and in the Transparency section of the website

From words to practice

Our case studies on medium-long term loans

And to offer you even more

Creditor Protection Insurance

It is the complete insurance solution to protect repayment of your loan. With the CPI policy you can ensure business continuity, paying off the debt without this affecting the economic resources of your business

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Loans with CDP funding

The Guaranteed Loan with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti funding is a medium-long term loan to help all those SMEs that need capital to support their development projects and/or liquidity needs. CDP funding can also be associated with loans guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund

Promotional message, also placing insurance contracts. Before signing, please read the information on, which is also available through the distribution network. Policy issued by MetLife Europe d.a.c. – General Representation for Italy, distributed by Banca Ifis S.p.A.

Advertisement for promotional purposes. For the contractual terms and conditions of guaranteed loans with BEI and CDP funding, please refer to the information sheets available at our branches and in the Transparency section of the website at