In our field of application, the raw material used is steel, which is employed, for example, in the construction of bridges, viaducts and oil and gas infrastructure. Over time, our company has enriched its know-how, seizing new business opportunities useful for growth before others, which has led us to evolve over time, adding Scandiuzzi branded products to our core business and thus effectively projecting ourselves onto the construction market.
Today, the company, which has, over time, reached turnover of 35 million Euro, with forecasts heading towards 50 million, also thanks to an ambitious investment plan, which has assured approximately 4 million Euro for the three-year period 2020 – 2023 and with a 2024-2026 outlook of around 5 million, has two main poles: the headquarters in Volpago del Montello and a second production workshop in Brindisi, Apulia.