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Capital goods leasing for enterprises and professionals

The equipment for your productivity and your business

The capital goods leases of Banca Ifis guarantee all the best solutions to sustain your company’s productive activities and professionals’ business. Thanks to our customised services you can create the best offer for your needs to make your business grow and compete quickly.

Capital goods: what are they?

By capital goods we mean all that equipment to be used by companies and professionals to perform their activities, finalised to creating revenue solely for the company itself.


Our leases to be used for capital goods are for every sector in your business, and accompany you along the entire production chain: from processing raw material to the finished product. Even if you are a professional, there is equipment to suit the needs of your business. With Banca Ifis leases you can invest in solutions for machine tools, farm machinery, earth movement machines and technology for your office, without an expensive initial outlay.

Thanks to a solid, flexible operating structure, we have developed capital goods lease solutions that can satisfy the whole productive world and enable customers to grasp opportunities provided by any facilitating measures.

The advantages of capital goods Leasing

Vantaggi Leasing beni strumentali Vantaggi Leasing beni strumentali


Thanks to our experience in the field of capital goods leases, we guide you, with targeted advice, towards the best solution for your needs.


We work to answer you as fast as possible, providing all the information and in-depth analysis you need for your capital goods leases.

Modular solutions

Create your package choosing to add supplementary products, like manufacturing capital goods or machine tools.

Why us

leasing attrezzature

Equipment for your business

You can choose from amongst several capital goods lease solutions for machine tools, earth-movement and farm machinery.

leasing office e IT

Office and IT leasing

You can obtain technological capital goods for the office like smartphones, tablets, computers and multi function printers.

leasing elettromedicale

Electromedical equipment

With capital goods leases you can obtain medical imaging, diagnostic machinery and electromedical equipment.

Equipment at the fore

Electromedical leasing

Our subsidised solution

Are you a pharmacy, clinic or doctor’s practice? Renew your electromedical equipment and protect the health of your patients and customers every day with top-of-the-range instruments.

Moreover, if your business is located in Campania, Molise, Apulia, Calabria, Sicily or Sardinia, we give you the opportunity to access leasing on favourable terms with the aim of supporting healthcare facilities and prevention activities in these territories.

Medical equipment is also available for rental.

Want to know more?

Green leasing: sustainable solutions

For enterprises

Make your business more sustainable with the installation of electric bollards. We are at your side for an increasingly green business.

With our solutions you enable customers or employees to recharge their electric cars and strengthen your credibility as a sustainable company towards your stakeholders.

This solution can also be applied to removable photovoltaic systems.

Want to know more?

Insurance cover for your leasing

Learn about insurance solutions for your capital equipment leasing.

Looking for information or help?

Contact us

Advertising message for promotion purposes. For Capital Goods Leasing contractual terms and conditions, please consult the key information sheet available in the Transparency section of the website
The favourable terms for the medical leasing product are only applicable to companies with registered or operational headquarters in Campania, Molise, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia.