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International banking services

Rely on our experience to securely manage your international business

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At your side

Thanks to a whole range of services dedicated to companies active in Import-Export, we help you manage trade relations in the international market with instruments such as Documentary Credits. We protect your business through International and Documentary Collections Guarantees.

Financing Factoring

Import-Export Documentary Credits

They are a key tool for guaranteeing security in international transactions. With documentary credit, the bank irrevocably commits to pay the seller only when all conditions are met and the required documents are submitted correctly.

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Stand-by Letter of Credit (SBLC)

This is a guarantee instrument through which the bank, as guarantor, protects the company in the event that the debtor fails to pay on the agreed due date. It is a debt protection product linked to the transaction

International guarantees

We protect your foreign business through ‘stand-alone’ first-call guarantees, i.e. unrelated to the underlying transaction and the relationship between the parties.

Our solutions to protect your business:

Supply Payment Guarantee

Payment Guarantee/Payment Bond

Guarantees the seller payment of the price of the sale of goods or services

Bid guarantee for participation in tenders

Bid Bond

Obligates the contractor to pay a specified sum if he wins the tender and fails to fulfil the tender conditions

Guarantee of performance of supply or contract

Performance Bond

Protects the proper performance of works and supplies and may provide for compensation or performance, or completion or having the work completed

Advance Payment Guarantee

Advance Payment Bond/Down Payment Guarantee

Provides for the repayment of sums advanced by the company to the contractor. The guarantee covers 100% of the amount advanced, which is gradually recovered by deduction from the progress payment or shipment of goods

Maintenance guarantee

Maintenance Bond

Protects the contractor with respect to ‘non-apparent’ defects, which have emerged after the closure of a construction site and which were not detected at the time of provisional acceptance and, as a rule, does not exceed 7-10 % of the amount of the work. Lasts for the entire maintenance period, on average 1 year

Guarantee for the Payment of Customs Duties

Customs Bond

Guarantees the possible payment of customs duties for machines and goods temporarily imported for the execution of works and no longer re-exported. By requesting the payment of this guarantee, the customs authority of the country thus recovers the customs duties actually evaded

Documentary collection

They are a service offered by the bank to facilitate international payments related to goods, available in two types: financial and commercial. The bank collects payment from foreign customers who must:

  1. Pay the amount indicated
  2. Undertake the payment commitment at a future date
  3. Or, obtain the payment commitment from a third party, usually a bank

Documented Financial

Also called Simple Collection, the documents are represented by drafts,promissory notes or cheques

Commercial Documentary

Also called Documentary Receipt, the documents are invoices, bills of lading, AWBs, CMRs, FCRs, insurance documents or certificates of origin, etc.

Possibilities of use

Documentary receipts may provide for the delivery of documents only in the case of

Payment on sight

The collection mandate provides that the delivery of documents only takes place in the case of simultaneous payment

Deferred payment

The collection mandate provides that the delivery of documents is made only against an:

  • Maturity payment undertaking issued by the debtor
  • Maturity payment undertaking issued by a third party, usually a bank

Acceptance of drafts

The collection mandate provides that the delivery of documents is made only against an:

  • Acceptance of draft by the debtor
  • Acceptance of draft by the debtor with endorsement by a third party guarantor
  • Acceptance of draft by a third party guarantor

Looking for information or assistance?

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Advertising message for promotional purposes. For the contractual terms and conditions of Documentary Credits and Stand-By Letter of Credit Import/ Export, International Guarantees and Documented Collections to and from abroad, please consult the information sheets available at branches and in the Transparency section of the website