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Our commitment, your company

Our Factoring solutions to provide liquidity for your company

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Factoring: what is it?

It is a financial solution by which a company transfers its trade receivables to the Bank, obtaining in return the liquidity needed to sustain its business. In this way, it meets critical company needs. Here’s how we support you:

We evaluate the commercial portfolio of the customer company

We administer and manage receivables

We can advance payment of receivables, prior to their due-by date

We support you throughout the debt collection phase

We assure you that everything will go smoothly

Who are the main players in the Factoring process?

The customer company (assignor)

The party who has a trade receivable due from another counterparty and who transfers it to the factor

The factor

The Bank or, in any case, a specialised operator that manages and finances the trade receivables of a company, after having assessed its merit and assigned debtors

The assigned debtor

The company with which the transferor has an ongoing supply contract and which is required to pay the receivable transferred to the factor

Factoring is
for you if...

You supply other businesses

You have ongoing supply relationships, or offer services to other companies

You work with the Public Administration

You have contracts with public and state bodies

You apply IAS/IFRS or US GAAP accounting standards

With the system of outright purchase, you can assign the receivables on your balance sheet

Factoring is
for you if...

You have contracts with the National Health Service

You are a major supplier to Hospital Companies

You are active in the import/export market

You are a company that has business relationships with foreign companies

The advance payment of receivables makes a company stronger

We have the perfect solutions for you

Solutions tailored to your needs and designed with specific criteria in mind that are important to us

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We will contact you within 24 working hours


Tailor-made plan and support for the growth of your business


We offer the convenient option of undersigning all the paperwork online

What are our solutions?

We help companies that work with other businesses or with the Public Administration. We have the expertise to optimise relations between a company and its customers, with tailor-made solutions. Let’s see what these are:

Factoring with recourse

Give us your trade receivables. We handle the collection of the transferred receivables, paying you the amount in advance

Guaranteed factoring with the Guarantee Fund

Combining a recourse factoring solution with a guarantee by the Central Guarantee Fund protects the financing under the terms of current legislation

Non-recourse factoring

It combines receivables management, collection and financing with the protection from the risk of insolvency of your customers. We assume the risk of non-payment of the assigned debtor within a contractually defined amount

Non-recourse factoring with receivables purchased outright

A particularly useful solution for medium/large companies that want to protect themselves from the risk of insolvency by their customers, and to obtain advance payments on receivables at an agreed date and price by transferring their ownership to the factor

Factoring with the advance of future receivables

In this case, you can obtain financing through the advance of receivables that will arise from contracts already entered into with your customers

Maturity option: an ancillary service to Factoring

We at Banca Ifis guarantee payment of the transferred receivable at maturity, offering the assigned debtor the opportunity to obtain a further payment extension of the original receivable

Other ways we can support you?



By means of a single digital portal, you can manage the transfer of new invoices, request liquidity, and organise your deadlines

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Advertising message for promotional purposes. For the contractual conditions of myIfis, please refer to the information sheet available at our branches and in the Transparency section of the website

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Key Man – Injuries

Insurance for small and medium-sized enterprises

It is insurance that protects your business from economic difficulties due to sudden absence of the key professional figures of your business

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Promotional message, also placing insurance contracts. Before signing, please read the information on, which is also available through the distribution network. Policy issued by MetLife Europe d.a.c. – General Representation for Italy, distributed by Banca Ifis S.p.A.


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