Pleased to meet you, we are the Banca Ifis Group
We sustain the real economy and we work in specialty finance. Ours is a success story and our goal is to create sustainable, lasting value. For us, for you
We sustain the real economy and we work in specialty finance. Ours is a success story and our goal is to create sustainable, lasting value. For us, for you
Fast and flexible, we have always stood out on the market for the way we operate, based on a lean structure and customer care. Originally operators with expertise in Factoring, today the Group holds a unique position in the Italian banking landscape in business financing and non-performing loan management, with some specialised activities for private clients. Thanks to our clients, to Ifis People, to you
For our clients, for our partners. Our strategy for growth looks to innovation to support you every day with our experience.
Always there for people and businesses, we listen to them and translate their needs into solutions designed for their requirements.
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Thanks to a unique, specialised and diversified business model, made of skill and talent, our Group meets the needs of people and SMEs
Not just business. Our work is in the stories of the enterprises and the people that put their trust in us every day. Our work consists in innovation, research and observing the market to generate the best impact on the community and the environment. To grow together
We want people to be the real engine of our change, valuing diversity in its infinite spectrum of possibilities. This is why, also through our Social Impact Lab Kaleidos, we are committed to transforming ideas into projects that support the diffusion of a more equitable, inclusive and solidarity-based culture and to measuring the social impact concretely generated inside and outside the corporate context
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