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Banca IFIS is attending the J.P. Morgan Conference in Milan

Friday, September 2, Banca IFIS is attending the J.P. Morgan Conference, which that will host panel sessions, experts’ presentation and one-to-one and group meetings between investors and the most importat Italian companies that operates in different sectors. The opening speech will be held by Prof. Vittorio Grilli, Chairman of J.P. … Read More

IFIS Magazine #2

The second edition of the IFIS Magazine is now available, with news related to Banca IFIS’s brands and articles focusing on different topics.The main articles are also available on the English section of the Magazine. To download the PDF file, click on the “Download” button above on your right. IFIS… Read More

Banca IFIS, record profits in the first six months of 2015 (+161,3%)

1st half 2015 1 January – 30 June Net banking income: 264,7 million Euro (+85,1%); Net profit from financial activities: 247,8 million Euro (+103,4%); Profit for the period: 130,8 million Euro (+161,3%); Bad loans ratio in the Trade Receivables sector down from 1,3% to 1,2%; Cost of credit quality: 112… Read More

Banca IFIS purchases NPLs for approximately 900 million euro

With three different deals, Banca IFIS buyed almost 100 thousand positions from Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena and other national and International banks. Banca IFIS’s portfolio has reached a total value of 6.8 billion euro. There has been strong activity in the Italian non-performing loan (“NPL”) market. Read More