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Banca IFIS Pharma’s BU Farmacie at Cosmofarma 2017 – May 5 to 7, Bologna

For the second consecutive year, the Business Unit Farmacie of Banca IFIS’s Pharma will be at Cosmofarma, the leading event in Italy for all operators of the pharmaceutical world, to be held in Bologna 5 to 7 May. The event returns once again, after having celebrated its 20th anniversary last year with record numbers, offering… Read More

Credit Village: NPL Investing&Collection Summit – April 13th , Milano

Non-performing loans and the Italian market: this will be the NPL Investing&Collection Summit ‘s focus -Spring edition of Credit Village Day 2017, which will be held Thursday, April 13th at palazzo Mezzanotte, Milan. The day organized by Credit village, will also feature the unveiling of the permanent Observatory on… Read More

Banca IFIS Impresa will be “Financing working capital: alternatives to traditional banking ” – April 12, Confindustria Pesaro Urbino

What instruments, in addition to traditional ones, can companies avail themselves of, to effectively manage their liquidity? “Financing working capital: alternatives to traditional banking ” will be the forum to discuss interesting and rapidly spreading alternatives to support companies, to be held Wednesday, April 12 at Confindustria’s headquarters in Pesaro… Read More

Banca IFIS at the 2017 STAR Conference – Milan, March 21 and 22

Another important date, organized by the Italian Stock Exchange, dedicated to the Italian and international financial community. Banca IFIS, represented by the C.E.O., Giovanni Bossi, and the Head of Communications and IR, Mara Di Giorgio, will be participating in the STAR Conference in Milan, to be held at Palazzo Mezzanotte… Read More