We identified the following key audit matters:
Classification and Valuation of Loans to
Loans to customers amount to Euro 9.012
million, net of analytical and collective
impairment provisions for a total of Euro 258
million, and represent 75% of total assets at
December 31, 2021.
The process of classifying and valuing loans to
customers in the various risk categories and the
calculation of loan impairments are relevant for
the audit due to the significant value of the
loans in the financial statements and due to the
use of estimates that present a high degree of
complexity and subjectivity.
Further, such estimation processes have been
revised in order to reflect the context of the
current uncertainty regarding macroeconomic
development framework resulting from the
ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, as well as
government initiatives to support the economy
amongst which, in particular, payment
moratoria and new or renegotiated loans with
public state guarantees.
In this context, it is of particular importance:
the identification and calibration of the
parameters relating to the significant
increase in credit risk for the purposes of
the stage allocation of performing credit
exposures (Stage 1 and Stage 2);
the estimate of the values to be attributed
to the PD (Probability of Default), LGD (Loss
Given Default) and EAD (Exposure at
Default) as inputs to the expected credit loss
the identification of objective evidence of
increased risk for the classification of non-
performing credit exposures (Stage 3) and
the determination of the related recoverable
cash flows.
The disclosure on the evolution of the quality of
the portfolio of loans to customers and the
classification and evaluation criteria adopted is
provided in Part A - Accounting Policies, in Part
B - Information on the balance sheet, in Part C -
Information on the income statement and in
Part E - Information on risks and related hedging
policies of the notes to the financial statements.
Our audit procedures in response to the key
aspect, considering the revisions made to the
estimation processes regarding collective
impairment provisions to reflect also the
uncertainty deriving from the ongoing Covid-19
pandemic, included inter alia:
understanding and analysis of the main
choices regarding policies and processes
carried out by the Company with
reference to the classification and
valuation of loans to customers and
performing compliance procedures over
key controls;
carrying out a portfolio analyses to
understand, also through discussion
with Company management, the main
changes and the relative coverage levels
by risk category;
performing substantive procedures to
verify the proper classification of credit
understanding, also through the support
of our risk management and information
systems experts, of the methodology
used to estimate, at the balance sheet
date, the expected credit losses on
collectively assessed exposures, as well
as performing compliance and
substantive procedures to verify the
completeness of the databases used and
the related calculations;
verification on a sample basis of the
proper application of Company policies
for estimating expected credit losses on
exposures analytically assessed.
Finally, we examined the adequacy of the
disclosures provided in the notes to the
financial statements.